Saturday 28 June 2014

How to crochet a quick pair or socks

I'm using UK terms

And on with the pattern...

4mm hook
Double knit wool

Rnd 1; ch 9, do a row of dc starting it the 2nd st from hook, dc 2 more in last st (there are 3 dc in last st now, this will form the corner) *do a row of dc of the opposite side, do not skip the first st this time, dc 2 more in last st (there are now 3 dc)* repeat *to* you will begin to form a 'cup' this is the toe, keep trying it on until it reaches the bottom of the nail on you little toe.

Rnd 2; dc 1 in every st, do this until it covers all of your toes. When your finishing this round make sure that both side have the same number of rows, ss into next st.

Rnd 3; *ch 3, tr 2 in same st as ch 3, skip 2 sts and tr 3 in the next all the way round, ss into top of ch 3*, repeat *to* untill sock is 2.5 inches shorter than foot size (measure it against the side of you foot,  not with it on)

Rnd 4; Count the number of stitches around, half it, dc this number (you're now working in rows), *ch 1 turn, dc in each st miss last st,*, Repeat until whole sock measures 1cm less than the foot, do one more row don't skip last st.

Rnd 5; dec 1 along the edge like this...
Insert hook into first stitch down, pull yarn through
Do the same again into the next stitch down
Yo draw hook through all 3 loops, ss through skipped st that was a dec 1, *ch 1 turn, dc row, dec 1 over side, ss into skipped st* Continue Until Your heel looks a bit like a cup. This is called a heel turn.

ch 3, tr 2 in same st as ch 3, *skip 2 sts and tr 3 in the next st*, repeat all the way round, ss into top of ch 3
I did did that twice but you can do more depending on how long you want the cuff.